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Why Learn with American Society for Quality (ASQ)?

ASQ South Asia offers ASQ BoK based and customized capability enhancing training programs that help individuals and organizations to move up the higher echelons of operational/business excellence through understanding of global best practices, cutting edge tools, techniques and methodologies in the field of quality.

ASQ courses are designed and developed by subject matter and industry experts; then it’s peer-reviewed to achieve the highest level of content, accuracy, and relevance. The courses are taught by ASQ certified instructors and expert quality practitioners with extensive industry and teaching experience. Our faculty possesses exalted academic credentials and are specialists across many industries with both theoretical expertise and practical industrial experience in their respective fields.



Lean Six Sigma is a proven management methodology that systematically reduces variation and waste in processes and systems using a basket of qualitative, quantitative, graphical, and statistical tools. It uses a structured problem-solving/process improvement approach to unearth the root causes and provide solutions that are sustainable in the future.

By looking at projects through the lens of Lean Six Sigma, you have the actionable tools needed to find hidden problems while making sure you don’t overlook the obvious.

Our training programs are delivered as both face-to-face classroom sessions as well as live, instructor-led virtual sessions through live webcasts.

Looking for something in particular?

Get the most out of your ASQ experience. Choose from onsite or virtual classes, self-paced e-learning, or licensed content to achieve your career and business goals.

American Society for Quality (ASQ) has been at the forefront of quality improvement and excellence around the world for over 75 years with presence in 140 countries.
ASQ South Asia, head quartered in New Delhi, in over a decade, has engaged around 460 organizations in India with the likes of DRDO, BEL, Tata’s, Mahindra, L&T etc. to name a few, to develop a culture of quality and reliability by establishing performance excellence practices and systems.

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