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Global Community

Quality continues its global expansion. Get the latest information on ASQ’s Regional Centers and global activities.

ASQ’s Global Presence

ASQ in Your Country

ASQ Global Alliance for Quality Excellence and Improvement (GAQEI)

Formerly ASQ’s World Partners, Global Alliance for Quality Excellence and Improvement (GAQEI) is an initiative aimed at fostering collaboration, promoting excellence, and driving improvement in the field of quality management through quality societies around the globe.

ASQ Registered Service Providers and Strategic Alliances

Registered Service Providers (RSP) – Organizations delivering, in a specified territory, licensed ASQ training by ASQ-validated instructors under a non-exclusive arrangement.

Qualified Registered Service Providers meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a legal organization with at least two years of quality training experience.
  2. Employ experienced ASQ-certified instructors.
  3. Demonstrate ability to support ASQ mission and training delivery.
  4. Carry adequate general liability insurance.

If you are interested in becoming a Registered Service Provider, please email asqconnex@asq.org.

Registered Service Providers are not owned or operated by ASQ. ASQ is not responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Registered Service Provider or its business practices, and will not become involved in the resolution of any disputes, complaints or problems arising from courses. Please register for courses directly with the Registered Service Provider.

Strategic Alliances – Organizations working with ASQ Global in a cooperative effort to promote ASQ products.