Certified Quality Engineer (CQE)
The Certified Quality Engineer is a professional who understands the principles of product and service quality evaluation and control.
This body of knowledge and applied technologies include, but are not limited to, development and operation of quality control systems, application and analysis of testing and inspection procedures, the ability to use metrology and statistical methods to diagnose and correct improper quality control practices, an understanding of human factors and motivation, familiarity with quality cost concepts and techniques, and the knowledge and ability to develop and administer management information systems and to audit quality systems for deficiency identification and correction.
Download the Quality Engineer Certification Body of Knowledge.
Download the Quality Engineer Certification Fact Sheet (PDF, 61 KB).
This certification program is accredited by ANSI under the ISO 17024 standard, demonstrating impartial, third-party validation that the certification program has met recognized national and international credentialing industry standards for a program’s development, implementation, and maintenance.
- 8 Years of on-the-job experience in one or more of the areas of the Certified Quality Auditor Body of Knowledge.
- 3 Years of on-the-job experience must be in a **”Decision-making” position.
- Candidates must have worked in a full-time, paid role.
**A “Decision-making” position is defined as the authority to define, execute, or control projects/processes and to be responsible for the outcome. This may or may not include management or supervisory positions.
Candidates who have completed a degree from a college, university or technical school will have part of the eight-year experience requirement waived, as follows (only one of these waivers may be claimed):
- Diploma from a technical or trade school — one year waived
- Associate degree — two year waived
- Bachelor’s degree — four years waived
- Master’s or doctorate — five years waived
You can apply for certification exam whenever you are prepared for the exam. You need to purchase the study material on your own.
For material – you can refer our US website (www.asq.org)
Each certification candidate is required to pass an examination that consists of multiple-choice questions that measure comprehension of the Body of Knowledge.
Computer Delivered – The CQE examination is a one-part, 175- multiple choice question exam and is offered in English only. 160 multiple choice questions are scored and 15 are unscored. Total appointment time is five-and-a-half-hours, exam time is 5 hours and 18 minutes.
All examinations are open book. Each participant must bring his or her own reference materials.
For more information about examination delivery options, including online, remote proctored examination.
The topics in this Body of Knowledge include subtext explanations and the cognitive level at which the questions will be written. This information will provide useful guidance for both the Exam Development Committee and the candidate preparing to take the exam.
The subtext is not intended to limit the subject matter or be all-inclusive of that material that will be covered in the exam. It is meant to clarify the type of content that will be included on the exam. The descriptor in parentheses at the end of each entry refers to the maximum cognitive level at which the topic will be tested. A complete description of cognitive levels is provided at the end of this document.
Download the Certified Quality Engineer Body of Knowledge
If taking the exam CBT you will get your result immediately after submitting the exam. Within 3-5 business days you will receive an email confirming the result. ASQ will also send you a separate email with details on how-to claim your digital certificate and badge through the Accredible platform.
ASQ communicates exam results for exams with updated or new Bodies of Knowledge (pilot exams) within five weeks.
If you do not pass your CBT exam you will receive a summary of your performance via email within 3-5 business days from your initial exam. For 2 years from your previous attempt you can apply at a significantly reduced “retake rate”